Sunday, March 25, 2012

Self Time Machine

            Let’s face it, the healthier and fit the person is, the longer and happier they will live. Every day we go through making a choice on what we want to eat. These choices, when it comes down to it, are healthy or unhealthy.
There is no need not to think about your body and the nutrients your body so readily deserves. If our country continues to make these bad choices of and add to the weight of our country then the bad habit will become normal to our future generation. It is beneficial to you and the people around you to eat healthier foods on a regular basis because it will save and even prolong the lives of your loved ones. It is commonly said that healthier foods don’t taste as good as fat and greasy food. This is no excuse when it comes to your body. Nobody likes to go through their day without energy or constantly complaining about something you don’t like about your body or how its feeling. You can do something as simple as eating an apple a day, which has several health benefits that people don’t know about. Check out the link I’ve posted on 10 healthy foods under a dollar. Start as simple as that, once you notice how it makes you feel you will begin to do more for your health.
Something that I don’t understand is why in the world people don’t exercise when they know it’s good for them. We have all this time during our day and somehow we can’t find the time, recommended thirty minutes, to work out for our body and our own sake. There are unlimited sites that give you tips on how long you should work out, which workouts are best for you, the many benefits, and several examples of people who are happy from doing it. The hardest thing about working out and getting the full benefits from it is staying consistent. Mix up your workouts, listen to music, and watch T.V., there is no way you can have “it’s boring,” as an excuse. If you want to go straight to the future with very little body problems, you should definitely consider working out and eat healthy on a day-to-day basis. I want the world to be a healthier and happier place. Keep your body in mind and give it the things it needs and it won’t let you down.

Social networking.

Social Networking is having an increasing affect on our country and I believe that it will continue to rise as time goes by. It is believed that social networking has more benefits than downfalls. With blogging, you can find out many things such as places to eat, job searching, and maybe even find someone special. The bad that is accompanied with social networking is something that no one wants to experience. This happens to be identity theft, harassment, and even discrimination. A blog “When love ends…and facebook searches begin” discusses the negative effect on people’s personal lives. I agree on the topic of this article. This social networking site can be corrupting in a person’s life. It ruins relationships and even marriages. The author states that just about the only thing that keeps you safe from social networking tragedies are to not own a page. These sites include facebook, twitter, MySpace, etc… all of these sites contribute to disasters. These sites are also a great opportunity to meet new people all over the world, see those old high school friends, and keep up with all the news and gossip in everyone’s lives.

The “Networking effect and zero sum game” brings up the topic of how when one person joins a social network another loses one. The use of facebook and MySpace, as more people join facebook, less people use MySpace. This is an obvious observation but the thing about it is that people don’t have to go from one to another. I believe that in the social networking world people will follow the biggest crowd. This can be because people want to socialize with each other in search of friends or maybe even a relationship. With that, I think that social networking is a good thing because this opens up another window of opportunity for people to socialize. I’ve never been big on social networking so it hasn’t had much impact on my life. As time goes by, I notice that the use of social networks helps with the gain of knowledge of several different things such as news, shopping, and important information for educational purposes. The statement that I made about how the number of social networkers will increase is true. I am slowly falling into the grove of the social networking world.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Who am I?

Hello, my name is Keonta McClelland. I am a twenty-year-old sophomore attending Henderson State University. I have lived in Arkansas for my entire life, born in Hope, and lived in a very small town of Gurdon for the Bulk of my life.
I am interested in many things, the main one being my future, family, and friends. Working out, eating healthy, and exploring the world to see what it has to offer is my goal in life. I am studying to become a medical technologist, which is in increasing demand as time passes, and something I wouldn’t mind doing for the rest of my life. I have a very loving family. Although most of my family is spread throughout various parts of the states, we still all are close. My close family includes my mother, brother, grandmother, aunt, and uncle. I have a brother and a sister, but my sister resides in Texas. I enjoy playing various sports; my favorite would have to be football. Other than sports, I am good at playing video games even though I don’t play them very often anymore. If I were to enter a room full of people, I would consider myself as the quiet, to myself kind of person, depending on where the place is and the situation. I don’t talk too often or too much unless I know the surroundings I’m in including the people.
My blog is to give the readers the key to living past their due time with tips and advice on exercising and eating healthy. Many people read and agree on the topic but never really do anything about it or say they’re going to do something about it, start for a little while, then quit. You hear people complain about having trouble with their body whether its sickness or weight problems. We have all this time during the day, many different types of healthy foods out in the world, which means plenty of opportunity. You want to become a “Human Time Machine” just listen to all the healthy advice out in the world, spread it, and the world will be full of human time machines feeling and looking good. Think about yourself and the people around you...where do you stand when related to being healthy. Are you destroying your time machine?